Why does Facebook insist that you sign up under a personal profile?

keep the social  in social networking! facebook logo imageWhy is it against Facebook terms to have 2 accounts? (buiness/personal)

Simply put: People are Social, Businesses are NOT.

If Facebook allows anything otherwise, it will cease to be useful and will die a quick death.

Keep the “social” in social networking… it’s not hard. Just sign up with a personal account and then create a business “page.”

Don’t try to outsmart a very smart company by using your business name as your personal name when signing up. Not only will you be breaking their terms of service, but you’ll be doing you/your company a disservice because personal accounts are password protected and can’t be indexed by the search engines… this doesn’t apply to business pages. Let Google, Yahooand Bingfind your business content.

Enough said… now go be social!
