Wordpress Logo imageJust thought I’d send a quick post about this subject… in short don’t approve comments without reading each one thoroughly. Even though comments can give you more content and make you look popular, they can also adversely affect your search engine rankings among other things.

Check an example of another one we just received:

“That is my second see to this weblog. We are starting a whole new initiative while in the same exact category as this blog. Your blog offered us with vital information to do the trick on. You might have achieved a marvellous position.”

The dead giveaways:

  • It doesn’t say sh*t
  • It’s too nice
  • Poor spelling
  • Poor grammar

Why would a spammer send nice comments?

They just want the backlinks (a link back their site)  from sites with decent pagerank to gain better rakings/standings on Google… most likely to make more $$ with advertising.  Yep, it’s that simple.

Why should you care?

Having links to sites that may be marked as spam sites or blacklisted can look bad in Google’s eyes… and we want to always remain in Google’s good graces, yes?  ;^ )

What to do?

  • Don’t approve the comment
  • Mark it as spam (your blogging software should  just have a quick link to do this)
  • That’s it! 

If you want to have your spam removed automatically, just install Akismet (FREE – depending on the type of site you run) and let it manage the spam for you. (it’s truly amazing… nuking about 99.9% of the spam automatically)

Hope it helps.
