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How to make money Using Pinterest
How to Make Money Using Pinterest
Previously recorded on KAHI Radio 950AM, July 17th, 2015
Text Transcribed:
KAHI News Time, 8:45 good morning and happy Friday everybody. It’s that time of the week… one of our favorite times of the week when we have our Web Wizard Dave Naves with Daveworks in the studio it’s the Web in Plain English and today it’s Pinterest and how to make money… good morning Dave
Good morning, Sarah. how are you doing doing well, end of the week
Yeah always good on Friday when we have the segment because the end the work week and always really good information that you can use and understand so Pinterest, how do we make some money with Pinterest? It confuses the crap out of me.
Ha ha ha, Pinterest yeah, you know, it’s probably best to just explain to those who don’t know what interest is as they describe themselves they are a free personalized media platform. so what does that mean? People share pictures, (and videos) that’s what it means… billions and billions pictures at this point of images imagery that interests people, right?
You pin these these pins with pictures that are actually called “pins.” Think of it like having a bulletin board. You take your pin and you pin it to your board. You can have an unlimited number of pins and an unlimited number of boards and its it’s actually very cool. You know, in the beginning I didn’t taste my own medicine and thought “here we go…another social network” and then it took one of my clients to kinda smack me in the face a bit and say “Dave, people think visually.” I thought, Oh… you’re so right. I get. So I immediately, years ago, I joined and I saw how cool it was in the fact that its really brilliant. The business model they have is brilliant because people love looking at pictures. People love sharing pictures and think about it. reading even the comic strip you like it. You like to look at that the imagery and maybe at a couple of captions below, reading you know the comic strip. A lot of people just don’t like reading but they like looking at the pictures. So that’s what Pinterest is about. And one of the things that I teach in in my business is, I’m always trying to make businesses money. One of the things that people might not understand is that you can make a heck of a lot of money using Pinterest… because…and there’s both passive and active ways to do this.
Now, one of the most brilliant moves I’ve seen was made by a company like Nordstrom. They make tons of money through Pinterest. I can guarantee you that every… if you’re in there, on their main account, https://www.pinterest.com/nordstrom, you will see that they have probably every product they offer as a picture on Pinterest. You click once, it gives you a detailed view. You click again, it takes you right to buy it now page. Now that’s active…that’s an active form if sales they use massive traffic that goes on a t Pinterest
High click-through rates
Oh my.. I mean, if you think about it, they are farming (mispoke: “getting”) their traffic out to Pinterest for free…rather they pay their employees… I’m sure the don’t mind spending tons of money and paying their employees to make it happen, people who were know exactly what fashion is all about.. I’m talking about purses, shoes, anything that Nordsrtom sells is on there. And people click… they like it you click it they’ll often buy it. They make big bucks. So that’s an example of an ~active~ sale on Pinterest.
Pinterest is bound by nothing. People all over the world with all sorts of interests, pin their pictures to their boards. So whether you are in music, you’re in real estate you’re in construction, you’re into clothing or software, its all out there. Many people just pin and it’s fun and you look and you share you share pictures. Whether its gardens I mean I’ve picked up some awesome landscaping pictures off of others’ ideas on landscaping!’
What i started doing, something we talked about before… my chicken coop. I post a great deal… a great number of pictures of my chicken coop and products I use within chicken coop. For example I sell ton of these things called founts. These little automated, spring-loaded chicken waters automatic you know, water for your chickens… fresh water. It’s spring loaded so when water pours in automatically from the pipe it fills up and becomes heavy… the spring closes and the valve shuts off. The chickens drink it, it gets lighter and it refills itself again. I’m gonna go to the process exactly how I sell these. I don’t stock anything, I sell them through Amazon. I created a blog post about exactly how I built my coop and included… I have a few different waterers and this is one of them. I took my blog postsand I took that picture of that fount and I posted on Pinterest.
Pinterest sends me so much traffic from that one pin and (traffic) comes straight to my page where I explain everything about my chicken coop including the fount… and I sell them… every month. It amazes me… ( I sell) to all over the world. it doesn’t… you’d be amazed on this one little product how much you can actually sell. So whatever you’re or not an expert in, I’m telling you right now you can make a time of money through Pinterest.
Here’s the difference though exactly as I said it…(before) you have to have a blog. I does not have to cost money, you can get it for free. You can go to WordPress.com you can have a blog up in about 5 to 10 minutes. (learn how to blog with WordPress) But you have to be passionate about whatever it is. (you want to post) I’m always talking about great content. If you think that you are just going to join Pinterest and start throwing up a bunch of pins and then people are going to click and buy, they are not.
First of all Pinterest in on to everybody, believe me. Pinterest knows people want to get the traffic and you know send them away somewhere else to make mone. So they blocked affiliate marketing links. That’s why I mean they see marketers all over the world trying to make a quick buck and they did Pinterest shut them down… and for good reason. You know, Pinterest wants the content. So you have to interrupt the process like I’ve taught before about creating a very great informational blog post… about that very subject… about the picture that you piined. You should write something helpful. Then within that blog post you can put your affiliate links. Andd that’s why people like me can sell stuff because I give a lot away for free. I explain exactly what it is, I tell you how much it costs I try to find them the best deal for people. I say here’s how I built it. All that stuff.
So whatever it is, whatever industry you’re in… real estate pros on my gosh, if I were real estate Pro, I have a whole family full them, I would be blogging about helpful information on real estate. How to sell your home, how to stage your home… anything that takes…
Post that content as often as you can.
But within that, I will would have tons of affiliate links to books, to products to furniture anything that you can possibly imagine that can be for sale you can insert on your blog. And then you can farm it out, you pin it to Pinterest. Just one of the many examples I give, you know, posting information out on the social networks so when somebody clicks that come right back to you. That’s the important thing to remember here.
So I’ve gone over this before but you know it’s worth repeating.
The affiliate links?
The affiliate links, but ~how~ to post for social commerce.
Here’s an example of a quality process:
- Create a helpful blog post (always helpful)
- Post teasers out of the social networks… (this being Pinterest we’re talking about today.)
- Put links back to your blog post Tactfully seed products and services (including affiliate links) within a blog post
(Those) are how you are getting paid.
And you need to track nothing all the affiliate can do that for you. You don’t need to do anything. You don’t need to stock anything all you need to do is get somebody to click. And the cool thing like Amazon for example, I think I’ve mentioned this before, if you get somebody to click into Amazon and they buy that four dollar product and then they go over and buy $1500 TV …you get paid on that as well. It’s the entire session that Amazon, for exacmple, tracks.
Absolutely. And they’re happy to do so. You are giving them free sales. And it’s not even just Amazon it’s the affiliate sellers on Amazon are happy to pay a commission, because you were just handing in sales. It’s free for them.
Wow right? It’s amazing and so passive.
Exactly and that’s the passive part comes from once you build this will want to take the time to do something great to post a great blog post out there. It continues to work for you in perpetuity.
You just provide the traffic… with content.
Exactly. You get the traffic from the content. Google, everybody we’ll keep it.you don’t even need to worry about where does the Internet what happens to all that stuff. Just get after it will remain on interest for ever ever remain on Google forever so it’s it’s like having a rental home. The rent will keep coming in over and over absolutely free you just get money every month. The cool part is you can turn this into a full-time job posting stuff of which are passionate so you should like I said if your contractor or your know if you’re a musician you can post you know lessons online and sell bass guitars, drums anything…that is for sale on the web
You’re going to getPaid via the affiliate click throughts
As an example, Amazon is one of the biggest, but Nordstrom Home Depot, Target JC Penney, Zazzle… all these giant companies all have affiliate accounts. They want you to sign up… its free. You don’t have to over think this just make sure you sign up, make sure you have a site, and make sure you’re passionate about whatever it is you’re posting.
So that you know you’ll update it, not because you have to.. because you enjoy it.
I think most importantly because the person who will actually do the clicking, also has that interest. And they might know a little something maybe even more than you. But if you give them something a little extra in their about whatever it is. If it’s a pair of shoes explain it. Accessorize it right you know I don’t want us this to sound sexist but I know a lot of ladies love going to interest a look at clothing its thrown in my face all the time. You know high heels and dresses and spring fashions. There’s all this they can get paid on every one of those. But you should about it and you should talk about it on your webpage you should really put some of your expertise or passion into debt at the. That’s when sales come. Not just posting a bunch of pictures and hoping for the best… It just doesn’t work. Add something personal.
People are more voyeuristic these days
It’s a social… that’s what social is all about. That’s what I try to teach. I don’t care what is this you are in. Be social the personal that’s when people relax.. and you start talking about things in common and for those maybe even guys I had motorcycle to see us sell high-end parts and they were questioning them say “Pinterest, isn’t that a bunch of old ladies talking about crochet?” And then I show them some of the motorcycle and Tuesday is out there. Showing pictures of their favorite racers, showing the most amazing motorcycles. And about 3 seconds they get it. Oh my… I really got us been some time in here developing my pictures you no pla that is so so stinking easy, that Pinterst offers little in the widgets for your browsers. All you have to do is find a picture right-click on it and Pin it.
And you’re done.
Just make sure it starts at your site. Make that’s how you get paid set up your affiliate links throughout from your site if you can upload pictures to interest it’s not going to work.
But you can do it and here’s the other secret I thought I’d talk briefly about. (sorry gathering notes)
Um, oh let me talk about quickly about how to get set up on Pinterest, it’s so easy. first go to Pinterest.com. sign-up. It’s free. Crate for forst baord. A board is nothing more than …. think of it like a folder on your computer. It’s just a place to put stuff. So if you like animals, create a board called Animals and then start pinging pictures to your animals board.
Could it be a website?
Could it be a website?
Like you said a blog…
Well first, first you want to actually create your blog post and then pin that picture to that board.
The whole reason they’re so when somebody clicks on the pictyures, they have no idea where you are where your website is, but if that takes your is a part of your website to click once and then it zooms and gives you a detailed view of that picture. They click again they go away from Pinterest and come right back to where the picture is held where it’s posted pictures… which is your website
Okay, so right there is where you have them.
So for me one of my biggest things on interest right now when most popular reason I chicken coop. There’s tons of chicken enthusiasts, with all the chicken coop ideas all this things out there, massive numbers of people. But that’s how… I really took my time with my boards I organize them into you know, automatic doors, automatic feeder, watering system, electrical system lighting all those things I’ve subdivided into different boards and then posted my content or my opinions from each of those pages I post on my website. So I just wanted to see that happens … think of it like throwing a net out over the ocean.
It stays out there forever.
You keep at it, my goodness you can make yourself rich one day
Exactly… that’s my retirement plan and Pinterest is very much a part of my retirement plan. And here’s one of the other things that so important that you have to remember about interest what if someday, Pinterest perhaps goes away… okay all that content still remains on your site. Write so you you have to build your site. Don’t just throw the content out there to the social accounts and leave them there
So if I can I know we are probably running out of time here so if I can just leave you with a few thoughts:
Please do
- Post images or pin… pin your images on subjects or products about which you are passionate.
- Connect with others on interest. Don’t just have it as a one-way street or no one is going to connect with you. Share comment, like, all that stuff on Pinterest.
- Be diligent. Be diligent about what you do. It will absolutely work.
Find me out on Daveworks.net and I’ll talk to you soon about Google docs!
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