"; return false; } if ($Debug) echo "Confirmation : {$Email} email format is okay.
"; list ( $Username, $Domain ) = split ("@",$Email); if ( !checkdnsrr ( $Domain, "ANY" )) { if ($Debug) echo "Error : MX record about {$Domain} does not exist.

"; return false; } if($Debug) echo "Confirmation : MX record about {$Domain} exists.
"; return true; } ?>Please fill out the Email field with a valid email address or provide your phone number.
"; $Valid = 0; } if (strlen($Name) < 2) { echo "
Please tell us your name.

"; $Valid = 0; } if (strlen($Interested) < 10) { echo "
Please fill out the 'I'm Interested In' Section

"; $Valid = 0; } if(!isset($_REQUEST['verifycheckbox'])) { echo "
Check the checkbox to prove you're not a spammer

"; $Valid = 0; } if ($Valid) { // send the notification email to dave@daveworks.net mail($to, $subject, $contents, $headers); $query = "INSERT INTO ContactUs SET Name = '$Name', Phone = '$Phone', Email = '$Email', Interested = '$Interested', Date = NOW()"; $result = mysqli_query($query); $ShowForm = ""; echo "

Thank you.

Your information has been received.
A Daveworks Representative will be in contact with you shortly.
"; } } if ($ShowForm) { ?>
" method="post" />

Please enter your contact information and a brief message describing what services in which you're interested, and a Daveworks Associate will contact you with details very shortly.

Your Name
Your Phone Number
Your Email address
I'm interested in:
Please click the checkbox to verify you're a real person:
I am not a spam bot.